Using Codenvy (Online IDE) to run Ext JS 4.2.1 Samples

Reader’s of my blog (are there any?) know I love JSFiddle. With it you can easily embed a running example of your JavaScript snippet. This is fine for single-file examples but it gets a bit complicated for more complex ones. To showcase them, Codenvy is a very nice solution. It is an Online IDE that has a very nice feature called Codenvy Factory. This one lets you share the actual state of your workspace by distributing a simple link....

December 27, 2013 · 1 min · admin

Dynamically Changing the Structure of a Grid in ExtJS 4.2

If you have a grid in ExtJS, it might happen that you want to change the columns of the grid depending on the data you receive from the server. In my new pet project Bulks I was facing this exact problem, so I thought it might be worth sharing the solution with you. In the example below we try to render differently structured JSON arrays in the same grid. The function getKeysFromJson retrieves the keys from such an array....

December 21, 2013 · 1 min · admin

Adding Buttons in a Dataview using ExtJS 4.2

If you have a dataview in your ExtJS application, it might be possible that you want to add some action buttons for each of its items. With some good old Javascript this is actually quite easy. You just have to create a template that contains the HTML markup for the button and give it a distinguishable class name. In the itemmousedown listener of the dataview you later check for the class name....

June 10, 2013 · 1 min · admin

Securing Your Play 2.1.1 Web Application Using a Filter

After deploying my Play 2.1.1 based application to Cloudbees, I had the problem that everyone could access it. Not very ideal if you want to restrict your program to only a single audience. To solve the problem you would usually write a complicated user-based authentication system. Slightly an overkill, if you don’t need different users accessing your program at all. My idea was more that the user has to add an URL parameter with a secret key, the first time the application is called....

April 27, 2013 · 2 min · admin

How to use JSF 2.2 with JBoss 7.1

As the new JSF 2.2 is nearly finished, we all want to play with the new features of it. Markus Eisele has shown in his blog post Testdriving Mojarra 2.2.0-m08 how to do this with Glassfish 3. He’s German too, I begin to wonder if only we guys are that curious or no one else is using JSF any more ;) Unfortunately with JBoss 7 we face the same problem he had: We can not just add the new libraries to our WAR archive as they will clash with the JSF 2....

January 17, 2013 · 3 min · admin