Let the user change the column order in Java/Swing

Do you have the requirement to let the user of your application change the order of his columns and your app is based on Swing? Then you should read further. Below you find a [TableColumnModel](http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/swing/table/TableColumnModel.html) that has two states: STANDARD and USERDEFINED. In the STANDARD state the user may not change the order of the columns by drag’n’drop, in USERDEFINED he may. The good thing: If you toogle the state the column order is restored....

November 18, 2011 · 2 min · admin

Openbahn-API – Bahn-Webseite als Webservice

As this is only of interest for German users - this article is in German only. It’s about a new project of mine. Sorry folks. Ich bin gerade dabei eine Android-App zu entwickeln, mit der es möglich ist Fahrkarten für Bahn-Pendler einfacher zu buchen. Bei der Entwicklung ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Bahn leider keine Webservices nach außen zur Verfügung stellt – die Webseite www.bahn.de ist zusammen mit der mobilen Variante m....

June 22, 2011 · 2 min · admin

Using Axis2 services from Javascript (by removing the XML namespaces)

If you want to call an Axis2 service from Javascript you will face the problem that the XML response of an Axis2 service call contains XML namespaces - something Javascript doesn’t like in cross-browser-friendly way. The idea to fix this issue is to make an XSLT transformation directly from Axis2 that removes the unnecessary namespaces. First we need an XSLT transformation that will do the job: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output indent="no" method="xml"></xsl:output> <xsl:template match="/|comment()|processing-instruction()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates></xsl:apply-templates> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:element name="{local-name()}"> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"></xsl:apply-templates> </xsl:element> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="@*"> <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}"> <xsl:value-of select="....

January 27, 2009 · 2 min · admin

Building a JSON web service with Java and Axis2

It is said that in Java usually the easiest things are the hardest. The following is a nice example as it took me some time to figure out how to do it. I wanted to build a simple URL request based web service in Java that returns an JSON object. Yes, you can do that with a simple Servlet too, the advantage of using Axis2 is that you can also call your deployed services using SOAP without any configuration changes....

January 23, 2009 · 2 min · admin